Provenance DM: WD stage ended

Mathieu Servillat mathieu.servillat at
Wed Jul 17 19:19:25 CEST 2019

Hi all,

to be fair, the replies have been thoroughly revised with the chairs, and
with the inputs from various authors I contacted for validation. The
changes are restricted to typos and obvious inconsistencies, to keep the
direction agreed on at the Paris interop meeting.

Here is the list of changes in the text:
* "Boisson" before "Bonnarel" in author list (alphabetical order)
* removed "not-null" hint from EntityDescription Table 12
* EntityDescription (2.5.3): "must" replaced by "are expected to"
* add for Descriptions classes (2.5): "If an instance of
Used/WasGeneratedBy/Entity is linked to its corresponding description, then
there must exist a link between the corresponding activity and activity
* Figure 7: "bound to" replaced by "bound with"
* Agent (2.4.1): "with a different role" removed
* artefactType attribute (Table 23): data type changed from string to
TypeOfConfigArtefact (string restricted to "Parameter" or "ConfigFile"
* ParameterDescription.default (Table 20):  "entity" replaced by "parameter"
* unit attributes (Tables 18 and 20): changed data type string to Unit in
tables 18 and 20 with a reference to C.1.1.
* comments in Table 9 now start with lower case (no capitals)
* changed "main" to "Main" for usage/generation type in text (2.5.4)
* multiplicity attributes (Tables 13 and 14) are of data type string, "*"
replaced by "unbounded"
* Makefile typo (texi --> tex)
* some classes were missing the \class{} format
* add photographic plates as example of entities (sections 1 and 2.2.1)
* invalidatedAtTime attribute (Table 1):  "This does not relate to the
validity of the entity." removed
* the UML model has been re-done from scratch to get rid of corrupted data.
We have new diagrams with much comments and descriptions to come within the
VODML file.
* Person (Table 6): replace by "person agents are people, e.g. described by
their name or their official position"
* Organization (Table 6): replace by "an organization is a social or legal
institution, e.g. an institute, a consortium, a project"
* Specific types of entities (2.6): add "The entity description classes for
both ValueEntity and DatasetEntity are subsetted respectively as
ValueDescription or DatasetDescription."
* DatasetDescription (2.6.1): "file" replaced by "dataset", "may" removed
* rephrase meaning of colors in modeling conventions
* text for multiplicity (2.5.3): add "for a given ActivityDescription
* ActivityConfiguration (2.7): "connected with" replaced by "connecting ...
with the Activity class"

Best regards,

Le mer. 17 juil. 2019 à 16:25, Laurent Michel <
laurent.michel at> a écrit :

> (sorry if you got this message twice)
> Dear DMers ,
> The WD period is over and it is time to move on.
> The development process of this standard is a long trip and I would like
> to thank all of the contributors, the whole WG as well
> as the TCG for this achievement.
> There were lots of change requests which have all been taken into account
> by M. Servillat, the document editor.
> All of these requests are listed below with the editor answers.
> We need now a couple of days to arrange the PR2 page and to publish all
> that material on ivoadoc.
> You will be notified when the PR stage will start.
> Best
> LM
> Editor Answers
> =============
> 1. Prov-WD: Prov-WD: small authors list problem
>      * ok, Boisson before Bonnarel (editors, including former editors,
> then alphabetical list)
> 2. Prov-WD: "package" unexplained in modeling_conventions.tex
>      *
>      * We are not redefining every UML feature in the modeling
> conventions, this addition brings nothing and is thus not necessary
> 3. Prov-WD: Remove "not-null" hint from EntityDescription table
>      *
>      * ok
> 4. Prov-WD: Cleanup from unused text
>      *
>      * This has no impact on the generated PDF, and it is at the editor's
> discretion
> 5. Prov-WD: Remove unused color definitions
>      *
>      * This has no impact on the generated PDF, and it is at the editor's
> discretion
> 6. Prov-WD: ProvTAP vs. Provenance data model review
>      *
>      * out of topic, ProvTAP is a different standard than the data model,
> still in development. The scope of ProvTAP will be
> defined later, and it may or may not bring some restrictions with respect
> to the data model.
> 7. Prov-WD: Attribute missing in Figure 7
>      *
>      * Modelio models were updated (the issue here was the size of the box)
> 8. Prov-WD: Wrong multiplicity of Activity --> WasConfiguredBy
>      *
>      * The relation multiplicities in Fig 1, 7 and 8 are: "Activity 1 -->
> * WasConfiguredBy" as they should indeed be. This was
> checked in the latest figures.
> 9. Prov-WD: W3C compatibility review
>      *
>      * W3C compatibility is not a requirement. The requirement is
> "Provenance information should be serializable into the W3C
> provenance standard formats (PROV-N, PROV-XML, PROV-JSON) with minimum
> information loss."
>      * This will be investigated for the serialization specification, not
> in the data model document, which already ensures that
> the core model is fully based on W3C concepts (so the requirement at this
> level is met).
> 10. Prov-WD: Usage/GenerationDescription -> EntityDescription relation
>      *
>      * There is no restriction as descriptions are optional (multiplicity
> 0..1), but to avoid confusion, "must" is  now replaced
> by "if ... is expected to" in the examples (as this is in another context
> than the definition of the standard)
>      * An additional clarification is needed to indicate that the relation
> Activity-ActivityDescription is dominant: "If an
> instance of Used/WGB/ED is linked to its corresponding description, then
> there must exist a link between the corresponding
> activity and activity description."
>      * MAY is properly given (2.5.3) : "Instances of Used (respectively
> WasGeneratedBy) may thus point to an instance of
> UsageDescription (respectively GenerationDescription)."
>      * In 2.7.1, it is properly explained that "The corresponding
> description classes, ParameterDescription and
> ConfigFileDescription, are both defined in the context of the description
> of an activity"
> 11. Prov-WD: Figure 7: relations are mentioned in the wrong direction
>      *
>      * changed to "bound with", no direction is involved.
> 12. Prov-WD: Several Agents may have the same role
>      *
>      * this is just an illustration, but "with a different role" is
> removed to avoid confusion
> 13. Prov-WD: Multiplicity of Entity->WasGeneratedBy is wrong
>      *
>      * In all figures, the relation is "Entity 1 --> 0..1 WasGeneratedBy"
> as it should indeed be. This was checked in the latest
> figures.
> 14. Prov-WD: wasConfiguredBy.artefactType has the wrong type
>      *
>      * ok, the text will indicates: "artefactType, TypeOfConfigArtefact,
> string that takes the value "Parameter" or "ConfigFile"
> to indicate the type of class pointed by the WasConfiguredBy instance."
> 15. Prov-WD: Wrong description of ParameterDescription.default
>      *
>      * indeed, "entity" has to be replaced by "parameter" here.
> 16. Prov-WD: Agent type list differs from the one in the table
>      *
>      * The table indicates the precise "Enumeration of Agent types", while
> the text illustrates this ("can").
>      * + "for instance"
> 17. Prov-WD: Type mismatch for "unit" between text and figures
>      *
>      * unit is a string that follows a recommended form.
>      * changed to Unit in the table with a reference to C.1.1.
> 18. Prov-WD: Harmonize name of descriptive column and lowercase first char
> in table
>      *
>      * the comments in Table 9 were changed to lower case only.
> 19. Prov-WD: ValueEntityDescription: "default" attribute has unclear
> description
>      *
>      * It seems clear that ValueEntityDescription.default is the default
> value in the context of the activity description (i.e.
> the expected default value). It may then be compared to ValueEntity.value
> to check if the default was used or not.
> 20. Prov-WD: capitalize "main" use/generation type in text
>      *
>      * ok
> 21. Prov-WD: "multiplicity" attributes in Usage/GenerationDescription
> unclear
>      *
>      * the data type is string, and it contains a number or a word to
> indicate that the value is unbounded.
>      * "*" is replaced by "unbounded" which is commonly used (minOccur,
> maxOccur in XSD)
> 22. Prov-WD: Document should be accessible
>      *
>      * The descriptions of relations was discussed within the group.
> 23. Prov-WD: Misleading reproducibility phrasing
>      *
>      * the replacement proposed does not bring more information, so we
> should keep the text agreed at the Paris interop meeting.
> 24. Prov-WD: open publishing policy for science data not referenced
>      *
>      * this sentence references the FAIR principles that are explicitly
> about "simple guideposts to inform those who publish",
> and there is no question that "open publishing" (
> is relevant to science
> data, and
> largely adopted in astronomy.
> 25. Prov-WD: Secondary, unneeded/irritating definition of provenance
>      *
>      * this overview was requested in the first RFC, it provides an
> accessible description (not a definition) of the concepts
> manipulated.
>      * + "In the VO context, ... is thus..."
> 26. Prov-WD: Fix typo in Makefile
>      *
>      * ok
> 27. Prov-WD: Activity, Entity, ActivityConfiguration not formatted
>      *
>      * ok
> 28. Prov-WD: Wrong object in agent role descriptions
>      *
>      * maybe "Author" is more relevant for an entity, and "Operator" more
> relevant for an activity, but there is no strict rule
> (see W3C PROV examples). The list simply reflects what is found in
> astronomy projects in general.
> 29. Prov-WD: Use Plates as example for Entity
>      *
>      * ok
> 30. Prov-WD: Make clear that ConfigFiles are not entities
>      *
>      * ConfigFile is not linked to Entity in the model, this is clear.
> 31. Prov-WD: Use versionized URLs for W3C standards
>      *
>      * ok
> 32. Provenance DM WD review - invalidatedAtTime description
>      *
>      * Removed misleading sentence: "This does not relate to the validity
> of the entity."
> 33. Prov-WD: AgentType descriptions confusing
>      *
>      * ok to take the W3C definition, plus our examples
>      * + Person: Person agents are people, e.g. described by their name or
> their position
>      * + Organization: an organization is a social or legal institution,
> e.g. an institute, a consortium, a project
> 34. Prov-WD: Separation of possible values in ParameterDescription.options
> and ValueDescription.options
>      *
>      * as values are represented by a string, it is straightforward to
> have options as a comma separated values, as agreed at
> the Paris meeting
> 35. Prov-WD: Restrictions for specific Entities not formulated
>      *
>      * "The entity description classes for both ValueEntity and
> DatasetEntity are subsetted respectively as ValueDescription or
> DatasetDescription."
> 36. Prov-WD: DatasetEntity not clearly defined
>      *
>      * the defined structure of a dataset is given by the contentType,
> this gives freedom to manpulate any dataset a project
> wants to define
> 37. Prov-WD: Conflicting description of DatasetDescription.contentType
>      *
>      * indeed, "file" is better replaced by "dataset"
>      * it is better to remove "may", as the objective is to illustrate
> --
> jesuischarlie/Tunis/Paris/Bruxelles/Berlin
> Laurent Michel
> SSC XMM-Newton
> Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
> Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
> Université de Strasbourg <>
> Observatoire Astronomique
> 11 Rue de l'Université
> F - 67200 Strasbourg

Dr. Mathieu Servillat
Laboratoire Univers et Théories, Bât 18, Bur. 222
Observatoire de Paris, Site de Meudon
5 place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon, France
Tél. +33 1 45 07 78 62
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