Prov-WD: Conflicting description of DatasetDescription.contentType

Ole Streicher ole at
Mon Jul 15 16:53:47 CEST 2019

Hi again,

(third and last issue concerning special Entity classes):

The DatasetDescription has a mandatory "contentType" attribute, which is
described in the text in the following manner (2.6.1 "DatasetEntity and
DatasetDescription classes", pg. 26):

"The contentType _may_ indicate the MIME-type or format of a file,
or a more precise structure, following the definition of the attribute
access_format defined in ObsCoreDM [...]"

According to the prequel (pg. 4), the word "_may_" here has the meaning

"MAY  This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly

which is obviously not what is meant here. Fixed in the attachment. The
fix also changes "file" --> "dataset", since a DataSet is not restricted
to a file (see previous issue).


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