Prov-WD: Multiplicity of Entity->WasGeneratedBy is wrong

Ole Streicher ole at
Tue Jun 25 09:08:00 CEST 2019

Hi again,

in all figures, the multiplicity of the relation Entity->WasGeneratedBy
is given as

Entity 0..1 --> 0..1 WasGeneratedBy

The left multiplicity here means that specifying an Entity in the
WasGeneratedBy relation is optional, and there may be WasGeneratedBy
relations that do not belong to an Entity.

However, the only goal for WasGeneratedBy is to connect an Entity to the
Activity it generated; therefore a WasGeneratedBy without the Entity is
inconsistent. Also, all other relational classes are bound to the
subject with multiplicity of one. This is also a regression from the
2019-05-10 internal draft.

So, the left multiplicity should be changed into "1" in all figures (and
the VO-DML).



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