Prov-WD: "multiplicity" attributes in Usage/GenerationDescription unclear

Ole Streicher ole at
Fri Jun 28 11:17:37 CEST 2019

Hi all,

the attributes "multiplicity" in UsageDescription and
GenerationDescription are of data type "string", but the description is
irritating (tables 13+14, pg.24):

"Number of expected input entities to be used with the given role. A *
indicates that the number of input entities can be more than 1."

A "number" is not a "string" (may be a "...converted to a decimal
string" or so is missing?). Also * is not a number, so the second
sentence contradicts the first. It is also unclear whether * includes 0
or not.

Finally, it is unclear how one encodes f.e. "at least 3 input files"
(which we have f.e. as a multiplicity rule in MUSE).

Best regards


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