Prov-WD: Make clear that ConfigFiles are not entities

Ole Streicher ole at
Tue Jul 9 13:15:31 CEST 2019


the examples of what an Entity can be (in sections 1 "Introduction" and
2.2.1 "Entity and Collection classes") suggest that all files and
numbers can be Entities:

There is however an exceptions: ConfigFiles are *not* entities. This
should be made clear in 2.7.3 "ConfigFile and ConfigFileDescription
classes" and/or in 2.1.1 "Entity and Collection classes".

The same may be true for Parameters, however, this may be somehow
implied by the sentence

"The Parameter instance may refer to a ValueEntity instance using a
hadReference which gives the origin of this value." (2.7.4 "Relations
with Activity class", pg.32).

This sentence is BTW at the wrong place here, since it does not describe
the relation with the Activity class. It should be moved to 2.7.2.



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