Software for Connecting to the VOEvent Backbone

Joshua Bloom profjsb at
Thu Feb 25 14:15:44 PST 2010


The "typical VOEvent" example ( from RAPTOR fails to validate on your page (also in lenient mode). What am I doing wrong?


Joshua Bloom
Associate Professor
UC Berkeley, Astronomy
510-643-4621 (Lab)
510-643-3839 (Office)

On Feb 25, 2010, at 12:42 PM, Bob Denny wrote:

> Hello all --
> I've put together a set of free cross-platform tools for getting onto the
> VOEVent backbone. The Dakota Tools for VOEvent run on most popular Linux
> flavors, Max OS X (Leopard and later) and Windows XP/Vista/7. Included are a
> publishing tool, a receiver/broker (dual use), and an XML VOEvent message
> checker. I also made up an online/web based VOEvent message checker. The
> checkers can be used to make sure your VOEvent XML messages conform to the spec.
> The receiver/broker will immediately run any shell script or program on receipt
> of each message, feeding the message via standard-in.
> For more information, downloads, mini-Schema documentation, tools documentation
> and the online message checker, see
> No compilation is needed, but I will supply sources if desired (it will
> eventually be a SourceForge project). The downloads are binaries. The Mac OS X
> kit is a .dmg containing a standard installer. Installation on Linux is manual
> due to the variabilities of the different flavors and local usage. Installation
> on Wndows is also manual since I believe it will be rarely used :-)
> I've just registered for Eventful Universe, and will be there to answer
> questions. I hope this will help build the VOEvent Network into a powerhouse
> system for transient astronomy!
>  -- Bob
> PS: If you have received previous software from me, ignore that and get the
> current version from the above web site.

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