Software for Connecting to the VOEvent Backbone

Rob Seaman seaman at
Thu Feb 25 12:58:19 PST 2010

Hi Bob,

> For more information, downloads, mini-Schema documentation, tools  
> documentation
> and the online message checker, see

I think this is great!

> I've just registered for Eventful Universe, and will be there to  
> answer questions.

This is great, too.  I can give you time in the VOEvent session, or it  
may just turn into open discussion and Q&A.  To give you a sense for  
how to pitch it, most attendees will be from the astronomy side - you  
could likely avoid using the word "schema" entirely :-)

> I hope this will help build the VOEvent Network into a powerhouse  
> system for transient astronomy!

It's a big step forward!



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