A modest proposal for VOEvent

Petr Kubánek petr at iaa.es
Fri Feb 20 17:05:20 PST 2009

> 1) Orbital elements.  See appended message from Francesco.  Pan-STARRS
> has been working with the Minor Planet Center to define a
> VOEvent-based specification.  We should follow their lead.  The MPC is
> the only game in town.

And what about STC? Shouldn't it solve all orbital problems?

Or is VOEvent finally moving towards something that will work,
regardless of missing STC implementation?

Personally, I would prefer to get rid of STC AND specify only single
date entry for orbital dates (e.g. barocentric MJD), so you do not have
to solve (or at least answer) requests for conversion routines to
everybody prefered date time format.


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