Transport Protocol 1.1 and Cross Platform Broker Implementation

Bob Denny rdenny at
Tue Aug 25 12:46:47 PDT 2009

Just a quick note to say that the IVOA Note for VOEvent Transport Protocol 1.0
has been revised to include a new optional <Reason> element in <Meta>. This
allows a nak to indicate the reason for rejecting the message. I have an update
to the IVOA Note about this, but...

Also, I have developed a cross-platform open-source broker which I hope to have
out for general testing in a month or so. Right now it's available to a small
group for testing. I have a description written as an IVOA Note but...

... I wanted to post IVOA Notes on both of these, but unknown to me they
recently changed the requirements to *REQUIRE* HTML. In my opinion, this is an
onerous requirement. I hated having to manage the section/figure/table numbering
by hand and writing/changing the Table Of Contents by hand for the only HTML
Note I wrote (digital signatures). It was ridiculously time-consuming. Now I
would have to re-write the Transport and broker documents in HTML.

I'm waiting for Bruno to reply to my plea for allowing me to submit in PDF.

  -- Bob

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