Call For Papers, SPIE OPS 2010

Rob Seaman seaman at
Thu Aug 13 13:46:12 PDT 2009

The 2010 conference calendar augurs to provide we toilers of the time  
domain with numerous high visibility forums to speak to the broader  
astronomical community.  The VOEvent working group should seize these  

The CFP for the SPIE conference "Observatory Operations: Strategies,  
Processes, and Systems" is appended, hot off the press.  This  
conference will be held during SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation 2010,  
from 27 June to 2 July 2010 in San Diego, California, USA.  The CFP is  
so fresh, it has yet to hit the website:

The abstract deadline is 14 December.

The SPIE OPS conferences focus on the pragmatic details of actually  
using ground-based and space observatories to accomplish visionary  
science.  More and more that means using facilities to make  
coordinated observations.  This is especially true of the time  
domain.  As the CFP says:

"A special focus of this conference will be the rising support  
challenge of time-domain investigations. Demand for such support is  
steadily increasing, driven by the desire to study rare, random events  
as well as long-term, synoptic phenomena. Such studies are  
particularly challenging when they require coordination, often  
unpredictable, between multiple space and ground based observatories.  
While this trend has recently been driven by space-based detections of  
gamma ray bursts, the startup of ground-based time-domain survey  
facilities (e.g. Palomar Transit Factory, Pan-STARRS, LSST) will  
quickly take this challenge to a new level."

Several of us participated in a very successful half-day session on  
VOEvent and HTN topics at SPIE OPS 2006 in Orlando:    
(session 4, p. 68)

The biennial SPIE meeting "is the most prestigious event for experts  
working on ground- and space-based telescopes and the technologies and  
instrumentation that enable powerful discoveries about our past and  
provide glimpses into our future" (if they do say so themselves).  OPS  
2010 promises to be a watershed event in how the major observatories  
view time domain operations, especially human-mediated and robotic  
transient response observing modes.


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