VOEvent v2.0, some thoughts

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Tue Jan 22 05:29:03 PST 2008

>>> 	transport document
>> Okay, I'll finish it this time. Matthew, do you want to write  
>> something up for Jabber? I was thinking of trying to push this  
>> into A&A perhaps.
> Let's get a draft, no matter how grotty and start to pass it  
> around.  A rather inclusive author list methinks - please include  
> Phil Warner as well as me from NOAO - I guess start with the  
> attendees from the transport meeting at VOE II and add profligately.

It's talking about the HTN stuff as well, so there will be HTN  
authors. It's going to be a long, long, list. Although possibly not  
as long as the Science paper I ended up being 50th author on recently  
(and I was far from last as well)...

>> I'll pull together the bits and pieces I have put together for the  
>> microlensing people and push it towards you.
> Cool.  Likewise inclusive.  Should represent usage across the  
> breadth of the effort.  Maybe we should aim this one toward PASP :-)

Sounds like a plan. We should possibly think about (at the 2.0  
stage?) actually publishing the VOEvent standard as a paper as well.  
It's all very well pointing towards an IVOA URL, but it's not as good  
as a paper in a journal is it? We should publish it...


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