VOEvent and Heliophysics Knowledge Base: new schema

Frederic V. Hessman Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.de
Tue Oct 30 02:28:57 PDT 2007

Following up on your solar event schema....

On 29 Oct 2007, at 5:44 pm, Elizabeth Auden wrote:

> A few months ago I emailed the VOEvent list about Lockheed Martin's  
> Heliophysics Knowledge Base, which uses a modified form of VOEvent  
> packets to record solar events. At the time, the VOEvent packets  
> products by the IDL SolarSoft routine vobs/ontology/idl/ 
> export_event.pro did not validate against the VOEvent 1.1 schema.  
> Following discussions at September's ADASS VOEvent BoF, I have put  
> together two new schemas and an example solar VOEvent packet:
> 3. LMSAL schema incorporating solar-specfic mandatory and optional  
> parameters from the HPKB website:
> http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~eca/Astrogrid/xml/lmsal_v0.1.xsd

First, a minor question: why is there

             <xs:element name="Emerging_required"  
type="EmergingFlux_required" minOccurs="0"/>

whereas all the other elements use name=type, e.g.

             <xs:element name="CoronalHole_required"  
type="CoronalHole_required" minOccurs="0"/>

Second, I went through the schema looking for potential vocabulary  
Whenever no obivous IAU thesaurus equivalent existed, I've added a  
new term based on the IMSAL list.
The basic list of tokens you appear to need and the present  
equivalents in the proposed IVOA thesaurus (labels and tokens) are:

	IMSAL					IVOAT (ivoat=http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/ 

	ActiveRegion			"active regions"					ivoat:activeregions
	BrightPoint				"bright points"					ivoat:brightpoints
	CME					"CME" = "coronal mass ejections"	ivoat:coronalmassejections
	CoronalDimming			"coronal dimming"				ivoat:coronaldimming
	CoronalHole				"coronal holes"					ivoat:coronalholes
	CoronalWave			"coronal waves"					ivoat:coronalwaves
	Filament					"coroanl plumes"???				ivoat:coronalplumes
							"solar filaments"???				ivoat:solarfilaments
	FilamentEruption			"solar filaments"					ivoat:solarfilaments
							+"eruptions"						ivoat:eruptions
	Loop					"coronal loops"???				ivoat:coronalloops
	Oscillation				"solar oscillations"				ivoat:solaroscillations
	Sunspot					"sunspots"						ivoat:sunspots
	EmergingFlux			"emerging flux"					ivoat:emergingflux

See http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~hessman/rdf/IVOAT/ for  
other terms of potential interest or if the IMSAL list is longer than  
I think.

> 4. VOEvent 1.1 schema with new element "ExternalEventMetadata" as  
> an optional child of "What". ExternalEventMetadata has child  
> "SolarEvent" from the lmsal_v0.1 schema.
> http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~eca/Astrogrid/xml/VOEvent-v1.1_lmsal.xsd


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