VOEvent and Heliophysics Knowledge Base: new schema

Elizabeth Auden eca at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Oct 30 06:55:35 PDT 2007

Hi Rick,

> First, a minor question: why is there
>            <xs:element name="Emerging_required" type="EmergingFlux_required" 
> minOccurs="0"/>

This was my typing error - thank you for catching it. I have corrected the 
schema at http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~eca/Astrogrid/xml/lmsal_v0.1.xsd to 
read "EmergingFlux_Required" for both the name and the type.

> Second, I went through the schema looking for potential vocabulary issues.
> Whenever no obivous IAU thesaurus equivalent existed, I've added a new term 
> based on the IMSAL list.
> The basic list of tokens you appear to need and the present equivalents in 
> the proposed IVOA thesaurus (labels and tokens) are:
> (ivoat=http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~hessman/rdf/IVOAT/#)
> 	ActiveRegion	 "active regions" 			ivoat:activeregions
> 	BrightPoint	 "bright points"  			ivoat:brightpoints
> 	CME		 "CME" = "coronal mass ejections"	ivoat:coronalmassejections
> 	CoronalDimming	 "coronal dimming" 			ivoat:coronaldimming
> 	CoronalHole	 "coronal holes" 			ivoat:coronalholes
> 	CoronalWave	 "coronal waves" 			ivoat:coronalwaves
> 	Filament	 "coroanl plumes"??? 			ivoat:coronalplumes
> 			 "solar filaments"??? 			ivoat:solarfilaments
> 	FilamentEruption "solar filaments" 		 	ivoat:solarfilaments
> 			+"eruptions" 				ivoat:eruptions
> 	Loop		 "coronal loops"??? 			ivoat:coronalloops
> 	Oscillation	 "solar oscillations" 			ivoat:solaroscillations
> 	Sunspot		 "sunspots" 				ivoat:sunspots
> 	EmergingFlux	 "emerging flux" 			ivoat:emergingflux

This list looks good to me, although the LMSAL group will be the experts 
on which solar vocabularly terms are of interest. Is there an example of 
how the combination of two tokens (in the case of FilamentEruption) works 
in practice, either in an existing schema or other XML doc?


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