Fwd: events markup languages

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Thu Aug 9 07:39:46 PDT 2007


Steve has encountered an industry standard with a similar niche to  

> "This document describes the IPTC News Architecture (NAR) Core  
> Model, i.e. the conceptual and
> processing models which make freely available the IPTC knowledge of  
> the most effective ways to
> structure, describe, manage and exchange newsworthy information."

Interesting reading.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Steve Allen <sla at ucolick.org>
> Date: August 8, 2007 2:12:56 PM MST
> To: Rob Seaman <seaman at noao.edu>
> Subject: events markup languages
> Hi Rob,
> See the attached for an industry view on the transmission
> and re-transmission of "news events" around the networks.
> --
> Steve Allen                 <sla at ucolick.org>                WGS-84  
> (GPS)
> UCO/Lick Observatory        Natural Sciences II, Room 165    Lat   
> +36.99855
> University of California    Voice: +1 831 459 3046           Lng  
> -122.06015
> Santa Cruz, CA 95064        http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/     Hgt  
> +250 m
> From: Lisa Dusseault <lisa at osafoundation.org>
> Date: August 8, 2007 2:01:57 PM MST
> To: Calsify WG <ietf-calsify at osafoundation.org>
> Subject: [Ietf-calsify] Fwd: Review of media type form before  
> submission to  IANA - knowledgeitem
> FYI -- note the EventML plans
> Lisa
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Jayson Lorenzen" <Jayson.Lorenzen at businesswire.com>
>> Date: August 8, 2007 1:15:14 PM PDT
>> To: <ietf-types at alvestrand.no>
>> Subject: Review of media type form before submission to IANA -  
>> knowledgeitem
>> As per the instructions for registering media types based on XML  
>> which
>> are outside of the five media types specified in rfc3023, and section
>> 2.3.1 of rfc 2048. We (IPTC) are submitting the following potential
>> media type registration for preliminary community review before
>> submission to IANA.
>> The IPTC ( http://www.iptc.org/ ), is a consortium of the world's  
>> major
>> news agencies and news industry vendors. It develops and maintains
>> technical standards for improved news exchange that are used by
>> virtually every major news organization in the world.
>> Currently about 65 companies and organisations from the news industry
>> are members of the IPTC.
>> Some of the standards currently maintained by IPTC:
>>   NewsML 1          http://www.newsml.org/
>>   NITF              http://www.nitf.org/
>>   SportsML          http://www.sportsml.org/
>>   IIM               http://www.iptc.org/IIM/
>>   IPTC 7901 (ANPA)  http://www.iptc.org/IPTC7901/
>> The IPTC has decided to develop new family of news exchange  
>> standards -
>> the G2-Standards - for conveying different types of content. They  
>> will
>> be successors to the current versions of NewsML 1.x, SportsML 1.x.
>> Further to that a standard for exchanging event information -  
>> EventsML -
>> is also be developed at this stage.
>> After an "Experimental Phase 1" (EP#1) in winter 2005/2006,  
>> another EP#2
>> in summer 2006 and a final Release Candidate (RC) review in early  
>> 2007
>> the structures of the News Architecture 1.0 were approved by the  
>> IPTC on
>> 30 May 2007. This includes the data model and all properties but
>> excludes the Processing Model.
>> You may download the NAR 1.0 package, a ZIP file (
>> http://www.iptc.org/std/NAR/NAR_1.0.zip ) containing these individual
>> documents and also find more information about the G2 family of news
>> exchange standards on the IPTC website at: http://www.iptc.org/NAR/
>> What we are looking to do is to formally register media types  
>> based on
>> XML for this new family of news exchange standards in the vendor  
>> tree.
>> Specifically, with this request, we are seeking to register the
>> following media type:
>>   application/vnd.iptc.g2.knowledgeitem+xml
>> A version of the form we wish to submit follows. If this submission
>> requires additional information for community review and IANA  
>> approval,
>> please let us know.
>> ---------- the form ----------
>> Media Type Name: application
>> Subtype name: vnd.iptc.g2.knowledgeitem+xml
>> Required parameters: none
>> Optional parameters: Identical to those of "application/xml" as
>> described in rfc3023, section 3.2
>> Encoding considerations: Identical to those of "application/xml" as
>> described in rfc3023, section 3.2
>> Security considerations: Identical to those of "application/xml" as
>> described in rfc3023, section 10
>> Interoperability considerations: Identical to those of  
>> "application/xml"
>> as described in rfc3023, section 3.1
>> Published specification:
>>     NAR_1.0-spec-ModelCore_16.pdf
>> http://www.iptc.org/std/NAR/1.0/specification/NAR_1.0-spec- 
>> ModelCore_16.pdf
>>     NAR_1.0-spec-ModelPowerExt_16.pdf
>> http://www.iptc.org/std/NAR/1.0/specification/NAR_1.0-spec- 
>> ModelPowerExt_16.pdf
>> Applications which use this media type: none
>> Additional information:
>> Magic number(s):              none
>> File extension(s):            xml
>> Macintosh File Type Code(s):   Identical to those of "application/ 
>> xml"
>> as described in rfc3023, "TEXT"
>> Object Identifier(s) or OID(s):
>> It must be possible to positively identify an Item as it moves  
>> through
>> the news workflow, and is transferred from place to place and from
>> system to system. An Item therefore gets a globally unique identifier
>> (guid), which is a persistent, universally unique identifier, and a
>> version which is incremented when the content of the Item is updated.
>> The first version is numbered 1: if the version is not explicitly  
>> set,
>> this value must be assumed by the recipient of the Item. The guid is
>> required to be in the form of a IRI. Any IRI capable of acting as a
>> globally unique identifier is accepted; the IPTC provides a  
>> standard for
>> this purpose in the form of an IETF RFC [RFC-3085]. @@ At the time of
>> this writing the RFC 3085, initially defined in the scope of  
>> NewsML1, is
>> still to be complemented by a new RFC in which globally unique
>> identifier and version are separate properties.
>> Intended usage:
>> Knowledge Item is a set of concept definitions or classes extended  
>> with
>> specific properties, e.g. with specific information about a person
>> grouped together to form a consistent structure, which is managed,
>> protected and published as a whole.  A Knowledge Item should be  
>> used to
>> convey snapshots of the set of concepts adopted by a controlled
>> vocabulary e.g. where a provider wants to circulate a set of entries
>> from one or more controlled vocabularies, representing something  
>> like a
>> thesaurus, a taxonomy or an authority list.
>> Other Information/General Comment: none
>> Person to contact for further information:
>>   Name: Michael Steidl
>>   E-mail: mdirector at iptc.org
>> Author/Change controller:
>>   Name: Michael Steidl
>>   E-mail: mdirector at iptc.org
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