Fwd: GRB2007: inviting community to suggest topics and speakers

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Aug 6 07:29:06 PDT 2007


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Mark Galassi <mark_grb2007 at galassi.org>
> Date: August 6, 2007 7:11:24 AM MST
> To: seaman at noao.edu
> Subject: GRB2007: inviting community to suggest topics and speakers
> As you might know, the Santa Fe GRB conference is approaching
> (November 5-8, 2007).  Please visit our web site at
> http://grb2007.lanl.gov/ and register!
> We are also approaching the time to select the invited and solicited
> speakers for the Santa Fe GRB Conference (http:// 
> grb2007.lanl.gov/). We
> would like to involve the entire GRB community in order to identify  
> the
> most interesting and relevant talks.  We are therefore inviting our
> colleagues to suggest topics and speakers. The goal is to poll the
> community on what you want to hear about and to identify areas,
> particularly new areas, that would be especially relevant to GRBs.
> Please send us a very short email (instructions below) by August 13
> suggesting the topic that you think would make an excellent review  
> talk,
> or a recent important result that could be emphasized in a  
> solicited talk
> or a scientific problem/question you think needs to be addressed by  
> the
> wider scientific community.  You can suggest a speaker and should  
> include
> a few words explaining why you think your suggestion will have broad
> appeal/impact.
> The SOC will make the final decision from these suggestions, the  
> submitted
> abstracts, and their own knowledge of the field.
> Self-nominations are not encouraged but are acceptable and will be
> considered by the SOC. Please try to take the large view and nominate
> leading work that should have substantial impact rather than just  
> nominate
> the talk you wish to give.
> Please use the subject line "GRB2007: Topic/Speaker suggestion",
> and use following format (so we can parse the
> suggestions) in the body of an email to grb2007 at lanl.gov:
> SUGGESTERS_EMAIL: your email address
> SUGGESTED_REVIEW_TOPIC: [you can use several lines if you need to]
> SUGGESTED_SOLICITED_TOPIC: [you can use several lines if you need to]
> SUGGESTED_SPEAKER: speaker name (you could use more than one)
> EXPLANATION: [you can use several lines to explain why this topic or
> person is a good idea]
> If you are suggesting a topic, but not a speaker (or vice-versa),  
> you may
> leave that entry blank.

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