OGLE Event Timeline

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Mon Jul 31 11:01:16 PDT 2006

Joshua Bloom wrote:
>   Second, it makes almost no sense to put the timeline in terms of  
> when the message was issued (though you could allow the user to  
> toggle between issue and peak time).

I can certainly change it so the event are marked on the timeline by  
peak time rather than message time, all the messages carry both.  
Actually if you look the time stamps for the earliest messages in the  
timeline these are for "peak magnitude" rather than "alert issue"  
time, as I'd accidentally used the in-the-future peak time stamp as  
current time stamp of the message.

>   So, I'd suggest:
>    1. Add a column for Peak Time (with +/-)
>    2. Add a column for Peak magnification
>    3. Add a column for baseline (unlensed) magnitude
>    4. Add a column for predicted peak magnitude


>    5. Some alerts are noted as especially interesting, maybe make  
> the blue dots blink for those events?

Err, tricky. I'll have to think about that.

>    6. Allow the user to click on a column to sort in decreasing or  
> increase value

I've actually got some AJAX code half written to do this, but the  
back end stuff is still a bit broken. Working on it..

>    7. Remove the "time column" (again, no body cares when the alert  
> was issued...it's about the event not the message!)


I'm back in transit tomorrow, so I'll have a look at all the  
responses I got off the back of the release on Wednesday.

Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming...


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