VOEvent working draft published: version, param

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Fri Jun 24 18:40:42 PDT 2005

Roy Williams wrote:
> By contrast, the strong-typing approach treats everything as an 
> object, with inheritance, typing, validation rules, etc. It is more 
> complicated to setup, but more extensible and more amenable to 
> computer-computer data exchange. Strong typing means a formal data 
> model, the idea of deciding exactly what is going on before writing 
> any code or prototype.

Yup, and my personal opinion, although I know it is not universally 
shared is that strong typing (and strongly typed languages) are a thing 
of the past. Okay, so it produces headaches at times, but weak typing 
gives you a lot more power...


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