VOEvent working draft published: version, param

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at leicester.ac.uk
Sat Jun 25 01:38:10 PDT 2005

Hi Rob,

> I'm skeptical about my ability ...
> Aren't extension schemata therefore automatically supported?

I'm probably even less capable on the xml schema front.

So, you may be right about the automatic support - I was arguing that it be
explicitly supported with examples so that people could see that it was just
as easy if not easier and much less prone to error.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Seaman [mailto:seaman at noao.edu] 
> Sent: 24 June 2005 23:36
> To: Tony Linde
> Cc: Rob Seaman; voevent at ivoa.net
> Subject: Re: VOEvent working draft published: version, param
> Tony suggests:
> > Add the option of extensions into the spec, explain how 
> they make the 
> > data both interpretable and correctly typed in order to secure the 
> > operation of downstream applications, BUT also allow the 
> <param> and 
> > <group> elements as now.
> I'm skeptical about my ability to explain any such thing 
> myself - however, a VOEvent "metadata packet" is simply an 
> XML document.  This is what the specification already says 
> about the subject:
>      "XML structures other than those listed in this document 
> should be used with care within a <VOEvent> element."
> Aren't extension schemata therefore automatically supported?
> On the broader topic of included a schema, note that the full 
> majesty of STC is available for any VOEvent publisher 
> (strictly speaking,
> creator) to craft an arbitrarily rich coordinate expression - 
> an expression of formally correct temporal or spatial 
> coordinates that is likely to be completely unintelligible to 
> an unwary, which is to say, unprepared, subscribers.  It 
> seems to me that the real issue is completely independent of 
> either strong or weak typing or naming or XML schemata in 
> general.  Rather, each VOEvent aware application has to 
> encapsulate some level of comprehension of astronomical 
> "meaning", whether this is called semantics or ontology or 
> "knowledge of the problem domain".  I really doubt that the 
> world's best schema (and I'm a strong supporter of STC) will 
> resolve this issue.
> Bottom line is that VOEvent is only of value if issuers of 
> events adopt the standard and if robotic observatories are 
> willing to automatically commit their expensive assets to the 
> resulting alerts.
> Rob Seaman

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