VOEvent working draft published: version, param

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at leicester.ac.uk
Sat Jun 25 01:40:04 PDT 2005

As I said before, my argument is less with the typing (not even sure what
the argument there is) than with the need to ensure that the names of
elements can be unambiguously interpreted by downstream software.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-voevent at eso.org [mailto:owner-voevent at eso.org] On 
> Behalf Of Alasdair Allan
> Sent: 25 June 2005 02:41
> To: IVOA VOEvent List
> Subject: Re: VOEvent working draft published: version, param
> Roy Williams wrote:
> > By contrast, the strong-typing approach treats everything as an 
> > object, with inheritance, typing, validation rules, etc. It is more 
> > complicated to setup, but more extensible and more amenable to 
> > computer-computer data exchange. Strong typing means a formal data 
> > model, the idea of deciding exactly what is going on before writing 
> > any code or prototype.
> Yup, and my personal opinion, although I know it is not 
> universally shared is that strong typing (and strongly typed 
> languages) are a thing of the past. Okay, so it produces 
> headaches at times, but weak typing gives you a lot more power...
> Al.

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