Note Implementation SimDB

Franck Le Petit Franck.LePetit at
Sun Nov 28 23:26:03 PST 2010

	Dear colleagues,

	You will find below the first version of the Note for implementation of SimDB. 

	The aim of this note is to present on some examples how we implemented SimDM / SimDB on 2 services at VO-Paris Data Center.  We choose to illustrate the implementation with 2 different kind of simulations :
	1) 3D+time MHD simulations and 
	2) 1D stationary models of microphysics of interstellar clouds. 
	We hope this will help other developers to develop similar services. 

	This note has been reviewed by several members of the group. Nevertheless, if you wish to see presented in this note any specific point or if you detect typos, feel free to contact Benjamin Ooghe or myself. 

	Best regards
	Franck Le Petit

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