SimDB/DM note and related documents

Hervé Wozniak herve.wozniak at
Wed Nov 24 13:10:59 PST 2010

Dear colleagues,

as decided in Victoria (1), and advertise on the Theory list (2), we 
have had a meeting in Strasbourg (3).

During this meeting, the participants have decided to quickly finalize 
the specification for the Simulation Data Model on which theoretical 
services will rely on (SimDB, SimDAL, etc.).

Thus, we have prepared the Note describing the Simulation Data Model 
(SimDB/DM). The last version is attached but since we still work on a 
few sections of the document, it is always preferable to upload the very 
last one on volute (4). Anyway, since it is close to completion and to 
speed up the discussion, we prefer you start reading and commenting the 
Note as it is now.

You can find all the documents relevant for the specification (including 
the Note and its appendix) on this dedicated IVOA twiki page:

Don't hesitate to check whether you have got the very last version since 
we still trying to improve some part of the text.

After discussion with the DM chair, the whole SimDB/DM specification 
must be send to the DM chair on November 30th. So, please, send your 
comments well before that date.

The Note will then be discussed on the DM list for a month under the 
responsibility of the DM WG and, obviously, in Nara during a DM session 
and Theory-1. So, if no problem occurs, DM chair can ask to open the RFC 
period in January.

The schedule is tight. Sorry for these short delays but since we have 
extensively discuss the models several times (and in Strasbourg for the 
last one), I guess we can now proceed faster. Moreover we are all 
preparing Nara, so it is the best period to proceed with the spec!

Thanks a lot for your (past and future) contribution(s) to this model,

Best regards,


for the authors of the note.



Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
UMR 7550 Universite de Strasbourg - CNRS
11, rue de l'Universite, F-67000 Strasbourg

Tel/Phone : +33 3 68 85 24 45   Fax : +33 3 68 85 24 32

mel/mail : herve.wozniak at
skype : herve.wozniak

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