IVOA/tvo stuff

glemson gerard.lemson at mpe.mpg.de
Sun Sep 30 02:39:07 PDT 2007

Hi Peter 

Your email address of me was correct but I have been in intermittent email 
contact only, and had no time to reply yet.
I only saw Ugo on Friday, when I was only shortly able to talk with him.
The conclusions of the TIG session will be posted on the wiki site and email 
list next week.
The main cocnlusions regarding services is that download and custom are to 
have first emphasis, as we want to have demonstratable services up asap and 
not have to wait for definition and implementation of standard services.
The point about usability of level 3 services is very valid i think and we 
may want to stimulate implementors to have such services ready as well. 



One other conclusion from the session was that we should start promoting the 
use of the theory mailing list for our discussions. 

Peter Teuben writes: 

> this is the email i sent to Gerard as well... is the email not correct anymore?
> Ugo, can you check with him? 
> On [Wed Sep 26 19:55], Peter Teuben wrote:
>> Gerard, 
>>    although I was at ADASS now, it wasn't possible for me to extend the trip
>> and spend 2 more days in Cambridge. That now seems like a shame, as it would
>> have been good to participate in the TVO style discussions. 
>> Nonetheless, there were a whole bunch of TVO-related posters at ADASS this year,
>> that I found it useful to get all of them together and sit around the table.
>> Here's my view of what we discussed, Ugo can represent other viewpoints once 
>> you meet him tomorrow. 
>> We briefly talked cosmology, as most of the particpants were cosmo chaps:
>> Ugo & Claudio, Patricia, Rick Wager (Mike Norman's student), Dave de Young (joined later)
>> and me. We even made a picture. This french guy (Savalle, from poster P1.21) was
>> supposed to join, but didn't show up and later just walked by us ignoring us.
>> Maybe he forgot, or maybe my english was not french enough when I invited him :-( 
>> Ugo dicussed 3 levels of access:
>> 1) low level data, the simulation data itself
>> 2) certain sections or snapshots from the simulation (e.g. SNAP)
>> 3) final products, this could be software telescope produced,
>>    catalogs produced from a simulation etc.etc. 
>> #3 is the obvious thing to concentrate on. We doubt 2, but especially
>> 1, is of interest to observers. Real power and visibility comes from
>> well selected examples in #3. 
>> I'll hope to hear more from home tomorrow. 
>> peter 

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