tehoretical SEDs in VO applications

Ivo Busko busko at stsci.edu
Thu Nov 16 05:35:09 PST 2006

Hi, Miguel and all

As the specview developer, I would like to add my 0.02 cents to the 
discussion. In fact, I would like to warn about the use of specview to 
generate "valid" VO-compliant files.

The "Save as" and "Save" options write data in xml files (no FITS 
support yet) following the standards set by the Spectrum Data Model in 
its 0.92 incarnation. But the code is still incomplete as far as 
metadata goes. Not all valid metadata described in 0.92 is actually 
passed thru and ends up in the output xml file. Other errors and 
inconsistencies may exiist as well. My poiny is, don't take specview's 
output as a well rounded, finished example of a VO-compliant file. It's 
work in progress.

Besides, there were significant developments in the Data Model model 
since 0.92, and none of these are implemented in specview yet.

Miguel, could you please provide me with a copy of the HTS data from I 
zw 18? I would like to see what is going on. In the examples I have, the 
entire file generated by specview is read back, even when multiple 
tables are present. And, what exactly do you mean by "at least in 
ascii"? Specview supports a simple ascii table format, but that has 
nothing to do with the VO xml format.



  *  Ivo C. Busko, PhD                        e-mail: busko at stsci.edu *
  *  Senior Systems Software Engineer            Voice: (410)338-4472 *
  *  Astronomy Tools and Applications              FAX: (410)338-4767 *
  *  Engineering and Software Services Division                       *
  *  Space Telescope Science Institute           http://www.stsci.edu *
  *  3700 San Martin Drive                                            *
  *  Baltimore MD 21218-2410  USA                                     *

Miguel Cerviño wrote:
> Dear Alberto and all,
> I just tested with specview (2.12.2) to answer the question by Alberto.
> (I didn´t remeber if I had lost something in item (iii)
> The answer is about specview:
>     i) it is needed a "name" in the table tag (or maybe in any other place)
>         ii) it is needed the utype in X
>         iii) it is needed the utype in Y
> so
>> Was (ii) to be counted twice or (iii) was left in your fingertips?
> The minimal VOTable it manage is:
> <?xml version='1.0'?>
> <VOTABLE version="1.1"
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.1 http:// 
> www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.1"
> xmlns="http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.1">
> <TABLE name="hola2">
> <FIELD datatype="float" name="WAVE" unit="0.1nm"  
> utype="sed:Segment.Points.SpectralCoord.Value"/>
> <FIELD datatype="float" name="FLUX" unit="erg/s/0.1nm/cm2"  
> utype="sed:Segment.Points.Flux.Value"/>
> <DATA>
> .....
> Surprisely I had found that specview is not able to manage the  VOTables 
> generated by itself at least in ascii!!
> At leats for the table i had donwload (first HTS data from I zw 18),  
> the VOTable that is obtained when it is saved produce two <TABLE>  
> elements, and  specview only manage the first one with observational  
> metadata. I had need to load the table in TopCat and save it again  with 
> topcat to obtain a VOTable that spceview reads.
> Any case I will try to repeat the exercise again in some weeks ...
> cheers
>     Miguel

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