tehoretical SEDs in VO applications

Miguel Cerviño mcs at iaa.es
Thu Nov 16 03:19:14 PST 2006

Dear Alberto and all,

I just tested with specview (2.12.2) to answer the question by Alberto.
(I didn´t remeber if I had lost something in item (iii)
The answer is about specview:

	i) it is needed a "name" in the table tag (or maybe in any other place)
         ii) it is needed the utype in X
         iii) it is needed the utype in Y

> Was (ii) to be counted twice or (iii) was left in your fingertips?

The minimal VOTable it manage is:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<VOTABLE version="1.1"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.1 http:// 
<TABLE name="hola2">
<FIELD datatype="float" name="WAVE" unit="0.1nm"  
<FIELD datatype="float" name="FLUX" unit="erg/s/0.1nm/cm2"  

Surprisely I had found that specview is not able to manage the  
VOTables generated by itself at least in ascii!!
At leats for the table i had donwload (first HTS data from I zw 18),  
the VOTable that is obtained when it is saved produce two <TABLE>  
elements, and  specview only manage the first one with observational  
metadata. I had need to load the table in TopCat and save it again  
with topcat to obtain a VOTable that spceview reads.

Any case I will try to repeat the exercise again in some weeks ...



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