new SI prefixes

Francois Ochsenbein Francois.Ochsenbein at
Fri Nov 25 17:39:17 CET 2022

Hi Norman,

>Sébastien and all hello.
>On 25 Nov 2022, at 15:23, Sebastien Derriere wrote:
>> Resolution 3 of the 27th CGPM introduces 4 new decimal prefixes :
>I've added <>
>>  R is also used for rayleigh, but because bare unit prefixes are
>> ungrammatical,  
>Indeed.  Bare 'R' would continue to parse as as rayleigh.
>>  I suggest these could be added to the Table 3 of the VOUnits
>> document.  
>And I agree.  And I see you've added
><> (beat me to it!).
>If my arithmetic is right, I see that the side of a rather large barn
>has an area of approximately 1Qb.

... in fact 1Qb = 100m² = a square of 10mx10m (1 are)

Cheers, François Ochsenbein (retired, but still reading VO news..)


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