[towards UcdList 1.5]

Mireille LOUYS mireille.louys at unistra.fr
Mon Mar 14 15:52:19 CET 2022

Hi Stephane ,

here is an example of a suggestion for a UCD  proposed by Ada Nebot as 
Vocabulary: http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/UCDlist/
Author: Mireille Louys from Ada Nebot
Date: 2021-06-24
Nb of terms discussed together : 1

New Term: time.period.oscillation
Action: Addition
Label: Period of pulsation of a body (similar to solar pulsations or 
Prefix: Q

This term was proposed actually by Ada Nebot to consider oscillating 
on sky objects and cover possible time measurements used in these studies.
This is a first term proposal for addition concerning oscillating stars, 
etc ...

Use-case / paper reference example :



The way to go is to propose such a small file with your suggestion, tag 
it as VEP-UCD-006.text and fill the various fields .
I can upload it on the RFM page 
(https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDList_1-5_RFM ) and
vespa github for you if you wish.

Thanks , Mireille

Le 14/03/2022 à 13:36, Stéphane Erard a écrit :
> Hello
> Sorry, I can’t recall the procedure to propose new UCDs, but we’ve recently identified missing quantities.
> These are expected to support band lists:
> The closest things now are:
> integrated_intensity_abscoef & _specific => spect.line.eqWidth (?)
> integrated_intensity_relative => spect.line.eqWidth.arith.ratio (?)
> integrated_intensity_strength => spect.line.eqWidth.strength (?)
> Except that 'eqWidth' doesn't fit with 'integrated_intensity', which is what is needed here.
> Can we consider adding spect.line.intIntensity together with spect.line.Intensity (which is the maximum) ?
> Cheers
> Stéphane
>> Le 17 janv. 2022 à 14:41, Mireille LOUYS <mireille.louys at unistra.fr> a écrit :
>> hi Semantics ,
>> I believe more discussion is needed for the organisation of the meta.ref branch in the UCD tree.
>> My question is :
>>      Do we need the meta.ref.pid branch? which usage does it serve not covered by more precise types of ids?
>> The role of the UCD should be to classify the role, usage of the metadata element tagged with this ucd string.
>> Then Ucds as meta.ref.xxx sorts of ids do the job when the xxx kind can be resolved with a specific process.
>> If we use meta.ref.pid , we can just  infer it is an identifier which is persistent , but can't decide where and how to resolve it.
>> On the contrary, each meta.ref.ivoid, meta.ref.epic, meta.ref.orcid, meta.ref.handle, etc... indicate already which sort of service will resolve them.
>> meta.ref in the ucd tree already conveys the idea of a persistent identifier, I guess, because if it would not be persistent, I would not cite it in a an archive metadata record.
>> Am I forgetting something here ? any use case where pid cannot be specified more precisely with a specializedid as the ones above ?
>> cheers, Mireille
>> -- 
>> --
>> Mireille Louys,  MCF (Associate Professor)
>> Centre de données CDS		IPSEO, Images, Laboratoire Icube
>> Observatoire de Strasbourg	Telecom Physique Strasbourg
>> 11 rue de l'Université		300, Bd Sebastien Brandt CS 10413
>> F- 67000-STRASBOURG		F-67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
>> Tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34

Mireille Louys,  MCF (Associate Professor)
Centre de données CDS		IPSEO, Images, Laboratoire Icube
Observatoire de Strasbourg	Telecom Physique Strasbourg
11 rue de l'Université		300, Bd Sebastien Brandt CS 10413
F- 67000-STRASBOURG		F-67412 ILLKIRCH Cedex
Tel: +33 3 68 85 24 34

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