Meeting about IVOA Vocabularies

Frederic V. Hessman hessman at
Wed May 11 14:30:50 CEST 2016

Too bad I can’t attend….

Thanks for suggesting a very interesting set of questions!   Sounds more like a 2-day meeting than a lunch break….

> IVOA Vocabularies
> -----------------
> Products and main stakeholders:
> - Theory vocabularies (Frank Le Petit / VO Paris)
> - Datalink (Markus/Pat / IVOA community)

I was kind of waiting for the official vocabulary platform to appear before doing anything further, but never heard anything (and was too busy to ask)  - Norman?

It was supposed to contain a distinctly smaller subset of my original IVOAT suggestion, which necessarily means using multiple additonal vocabularies, depending upon what one needs and what was left out - whose?  One can easily purge the old historical stuff from IAU93 and useful things from theory & modelling vocabularies, but the rest?  How does the non-cognoscenti find what’s out there and what one should use?

> - UAT (CfA Library, ADS, AAS / Publishing community)
> - UCDs (CDS / IVOA community)

e.g. maintenance of UCD’s in SKOS?

> - Facilities (Baptiste Cecconi / IVOA Community)
> Maintenance and Curation
> - no mandates: the curators should use the best/most efficient tools
> - best practices: to promote use of the vocabularies, we should recommend:
>   - feedback: how feedback from community is incorporated into curation process
>   - versioning: how releases are created
>   - process: how vocabularies are vetted by the IVOA semantics WG
>   - publishing: how machine-readable formats are created and hosted
>   - provenance and history: tracking changes	over time,	preserving history of changes
    - best practices for quoting and using other vocabularies

> Publishing
> - what is the version of record?
>   - current relases on github/institutional repo
>   - "blessed" version on IVOA website
> - what is the minimal publishing requirement?
>   - periodic dumps of SKOS file(s) upon releases
>   - HTML landing pages for overall product and items
> - where should it be hosted?
>   - <> (but under	what structure and format)
>   - an institutional website (hosted by main curators, endorsed	by IVOA)

The IVOA should be a central vocabulary host even if the nominal official copy is somewhere else - simply need to require a minimum of version control and documentation.

> Facilities vocabulary
> ---------------------
> Stakeholders and Use cases
> - AAS: tag facilities in a machine readable way to facilitate downstream detection
>   (via indexing/search)
> - CDS: assign facilities
> - Planetary community:
> - <>: is building facilities/instruments list
> Requirements/Questions (these influence discovery, access and use):
> - level of granularity
> - what metadata to include (e.g. long, lat?)
> - includes archives?  Services?  Where is the boundary?
> - what is its relationship with entries in the registry if any?


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