Meeting about IVOA Vocabularies

Accomazzi, Alberto aaccomazzi at
Wed May 11 12:37:47 CEST 2016

Dear Vocabulary enthusiast,

After the Semantics WG session, a few of us spoke about having a meeting
with people interested in vocabularies.  Given the limited free time
available I suggest getting together during the IVOA lunch break tomorrow
(thursday).  I wrote up a draft agenda below of what might be worth
discussing, but of course we can expand on that.

Please let me know if you can make it and feel free to extend the
invitation to other colleagues who might be interested.

-- Alberto

IVOA Vocabularies

Products and main stakeholders:
- Theory vocabularies (Frank Le Petit / VO Paris)
- Datalink (Markus/Pat / IVOA community)
- IVOAT (?)
- UAT (CfA Library, ADS, AAS / Publishing community)
- UCDs (CDS / IVOA community)
- Facilities (Baptiste Cecconi / IVOA Community)

Maintenance and Curation
- no mandates: the curators should use the best/most efficient tools
- best practices: to promote use of the vocabularies, we should recommend:
  - feedback: how feedback from community is incorporated into curation
  - versioning: how releases are created
  - process: how vocabularies are vetted by the IVOA semantics WG
  - publishing: how machine-readable formats are created and hosted
  - provenance and history: tracking changes over time, preserving history
of changes

- what is the version of record?
  - current relases on github/institutional repo
  - "blessed" version on IVOA website
- what is the minimal publishing requirement?
  - periodic dumps of SKOS file(s) upon releases
  - HTML landing pages for overall product and items
- where should it be hosted?
  - (but under what structure and format)
  - an institutional website (hosted by main curators, endorsed by IVOA)

Facilities vocabulary

Stakeholders and Use cases
- AAS: tag facilities in a machine readable way to facilitate downstream
  (via indexing/search)
- CDS: assign facilities
- Planetary community:
- is building facilities/instruments list

Requirements/Questions (these influence discovery, access and use):
- level of granularity
- what metadata to include (e.g. long, lat?)
- includes archives?  Services?  Where is the boundary?
- what is its relationship with entries in the registry if any?

Dr. Alberto Accomazzi
Principal Investigator
NASA Astrophysics Data System -
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics -
60 Garden St, MS 83, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
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