Vocabulary mappings

Alasdair Gray agray at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Wed Jul 2 02:39:59 PDT 2008


In the introduction to section 4 of the current editor's draft of the  
vocabularies working draft I have come across the statement,
"We provide a set of SKOS files representing the vocabularies which  
have been developed, and mappings between them."
This scares me, because at present we only have one mapping file,  
linking the A&A keywords to the AVM. (Generating the inverse would be  
a straighforward automated process.)

Are we going to provide mappings between any of the other  
vocabularies? If so, which ones and who's going to generate them? (The  
mapping editor tool at http://explicator.dcs.gla.ac.uk/code/ will help  
with this process.)

Best regards,


Dr Alasdair J. G. Gray
agray at dcs.gla.ac.uk

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