
Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Feb 11 09:08:23 PST 2008

> Why not add another element "pluralLabel" or just "plural"?  
> Alternatively, one can add an attribute as in
> <skos:altLabel number="plural" >Supernovae</skos:altLabel >. More  
> information at virtually no cost. There is nothing sacrosanct about  
> the SKOS attributes.

Ed's suggestion sounds plausible.  I wouldn't rate this as critical  
for the initial release, however.  But IF folks don't see objections  
that my naive understanding has missed AND the cost of implementing  
support for plurals is modest AND higher priority issues don't  
intervene THEN we ought to consider enriching our vocabularies with  
some carefully chosen features such as this.

A few use cases for plurals might help.  This could be a useful  
feature for user interfaces, for instance?

Per Ed's other suggestion, surely the interesting messages will all  
have Ont:+Vocab: anyway :-)

- Rob

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