Vocabulary: Ontology

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Sep 12 09:13:36 PDT 2007

>>> Given the beauty of these examples and the trivial means of  
>>> exchanging formats within our VOcabulary proposal, can't we _by  
>>> the meeting this month_ (InterOp)
>> Since there is no Semantics session at the InterOp, I do not see  
>> the perceived urgency in getting this done.
> Touche, at least because of the InterOp.  On the other hand, there  
> are other reasons to be urgent.

Without belaboring the surreal nature of debating perceived versus  
real urgency (where is Stephen Covey when you need him?), could  
somebody point us to a current functioning link to the document in  
question?  Whatever its Buddha-nature, whether it is eventually  
revealed to be a "Draft" or a "Note" - if we're to self-actualize  
either as a group or through asserting our inherent non-groupiness,  
the categorical imperative of the IVOA mandates that we read the  
latest draft.


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