Identifiers 2.0 Public RFC results

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Thu Sep 24 15:37:31 CEST 2015

Dear Registry,

The public RFC for Identifiers 2.0 has yielded two sets of interesting
and helpful comments (thanks!).  I've tried to take them into account
in a new version of the Identifiers document; you can view the diffs
with a subversion client on

or just download the whole built document from (for a while).

The most extensive change is that I've given up the attempt to re-use
the term IVORN, which in the PR was intended to mean "An IVOID
directly pointing to a registry record".  I had hoped the few cases
of historical use that didn't match that were mine and I knew about
them, but on Mark's insistence I finally tried to verify this, and it
turns out there's just too much previous usage of the term "IVORN" in
the VOEvent community that I had missed and that directly contradicts
the meaning proposed here.

However, much of that use also contradicts statements on IVORNs that
were made in Registry.  So, I decided it's actually a good thing that
the term URN has been deprecated.  Given the existing mess we have
good reasons to follow this example with respect to IVORNs (there's
also the detail that they've never really been URNs in the first
place), so that's what I'm doing now in the document.

An IVOID without a local name is now called a Registry reference, the
part of an IVOID that must resolve in the Registry is the Registry

Given this is a fairly serious change, I'd like to give everyone
interested another opportunity to re-read things.  I would, however,
like to go to TCG review some time between now and Oct 10th or so.
If you forsee you can't make it till then please let me know.



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