TAPRegExt 1.1 WD

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Sep 23 15:46:38 CEST 2015

Dear Registry community, dear DAL community,

Since TAP is going to see an update, we will have to slightly update
TAPRegExt, too.  The main requirement on us is that people can use
the updated TAP 1.1 standardID with the TableAccess capability type.
Technically, that's easy enough: we now simply inherit directly from
vr:Capability rather than fixing standardID in between.

There's a potential issue as according to the traditional rules, we'd
have to change the TAPRegExt schema's target namespace.  I've not
done this, though, as consensus seems to be growing in the VO
community that unconditionally changing namespace URIs means a lot of
unnecessary work without buying much.

I've taken the opportunity to migrate TAPRegExt to ivoatex and
perform various minor updates.  If you want to follow them in detail,
the SVN history at


is all yours.

For everyone else, there's a PDF (including a changes section) of an
internal WD at http://docs.g-vo.org/TAPRegExt.pdf.

I'd like to promote this in sync with TAP 1.1 (which is in internal
WD right now, too).  So, in particular if you see the need for larger
maintenance on TAPRegExt, this would be the perfect time to raise
your voice.

I'll give a brief talk on this in the Registry session in Sydney
-- unless DAL insists it should be in theirs [for historical reasons,
TAPRegExt is in DAL's auspices].



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