RI update: fixing the WSDL problem

Ray Plante rplante at poplar.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Sep 26 07:58:38 PDT 2008

Hi RWGers,

This summer we noticed a mismatch between the Registry Interfaces document 
and the posted WSDL.  At that time we discussed and agreed to change the 
WSDL withouth changing the namespace, as this would cause the least 
disruption to the WSDL.  I plan to do this officially early next week.

It's reasonable to expect some latency in getting existing 
registries--namely AstroGrid's, whose implementations are most mature--to 
be changed.  To allow for this and address the fact we will have two 
versions of the search interface out there, I have prepared a note 
describing how we can provide backward compatibility at 

In summary, this document proposes:
   1.  That existing registries that support the "to"  parameter in the
       KeywordSearch operation (e.g. AstroGrid) should update their
       VOResource descriptions to add a 'version="1.0p"' attribute to the
       interface element for the vg:Search capability.

   2.  Client applications that wish to support both corrected and
       uncorrected interfaces call the GetResource operation to get the
       VOResource description and see which interface is supported.

   3.  A Registry that wants to be backward compatible with pre-1.0 clients
       can use a modified WSDL to provide support for both varieties in a
       single resource.  (The modified WSDL is provided by the note.)

All three of these are clarified in detail (with examples) in the Note. 
If I get consent on this note, I will:

   1.  Publish the note as an IVOA Note.
   2.  Release a corrected version of both the document and the WSDL in the
       IVOA document repository.


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