RI doc-WSDL mismatch

KevinBenson kmb at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Fri Jul 11 09:04:46 PDT 2008

Hi Ray main clients are:
VODesktop which only uses XQuery and does provide an API for the rest of 
the search methods such as keywordSearch but besides some unit testing, 
I have not seen a client use these other search methods.
All other Astrogrid components uses another small registry client 
library:  Which I believe always uses getResource and I am certain if 
one of them does a search/keywordSearch it does not use from&to parameters.

I don't see much of a problem if we change the namespace or not for our 
clients.  If it is a small change then another VODesktop release is 
scheduled in early September so I suspect we could make the change if 


Ray Plante wrote:
> Kevin and Guy,
> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, KevinBenson wrote:
>> Most of the astrogrid clients here tend to use GetResource but does 
>> not pay attention to the ResolveResource element or its namespace.  
>> And the VODesktop uses xquery.    So at the moment I don't see a 
>> problem.
> Can you tell me a bit more about what you mean by "tend".  For 
> example, imagine that we changed the KeywordSearch interface's 
> parameter "to" to "max" in the official WSDL without changing its 
> target namespace; suppose also that you updated your servers to comply...
>   1. Do you think any of your user's use a client other than your 
> desktop?
>   2. Would any desktop functionality break (even if it is rarely used)?
>   3. If the change requires an update of the desktop, how tramatic would
>      it be for the users that do not update?
> If the answers are "no", "no", and "not very", then I might suggest we 
> change the WSDL without changing the WSDL namespace.  (I have some 
> thoughts as to how to handle provide backward compatibility.)
> cheers,
> Ray

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