multiple capabilities of the same kind

Paul Harrison paul.harrison at
Fri Feb 15 08:16:41 PST 2008

On 2008-02 -15, at 15:36, Doug Tody wrote:

>> fine for searching, but what if you have written a script that  
>> wants to access
>> only the cutout version of the resource - how to you reference that?
> I must be missing something.  Once you have done the search and have
> the desired capability element (the real "service" in this scheme
> evidently), then you just use the given serviceURL and other basic
> service metadata and you access the referenced service.  If the  
> archival
> and cutout services are registered as separate capabilities, whether  
> of
> the same service resource or separate resources, it should work.

The point is that in the model the only distinguishing key between the  
capabilities is the standardID, so if there are two capabilities in  
the same resource with the same standardID there is nothing to  
distinguish the two capabilities apart from the human readable  
description - this works in an interactive situation where there is a  
human to point at the capability that they want, but not if you are  
writing a non-interactive script.


Dr. Paul Harrison
JBCA, Manchester University

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