multiple capabilities of the same kind

Doug Tody dtody at
Fri Feb 15 07:36:20 PST 2008

Hi Paul

> fine for searching, but what if you have written a script that wants to access
> only the cutout version of the resource - how to you reference that?

I must be missing something.  Once you have done the search and have
the desired capability element (the real "service" in this scheme
evidently), then you just use the given serviceURL and other basic
service metadata and you access the referenced service.  If the archival
and cutout services are registered as separate capabilities, whether of
the same service resource or separate resources, it should work.

	- Doug

On Fri, 15 Feb 2008, Paul Harrison wrote:
> On 2008-02 -15, at 15:09, Doug Tody wrote:
> > Another common case might be two (eg) SIA services of different types,
> > e.g., one finds only whole images, the other does cutouts, but they
> > access the same data.
> > 
> > It would seem that a search should look for services of a given type,
> > possibly with other qualifiers such as the protocol version supported,
> > or specific service capabilities.  Whether these are represented as
> > multiple capabilities of a single resource, or separate resources,
> > should not matter.  In effect what we search for are "capabilities"
> > rather than what used to be separate service resources.
> > 
> > In this case I don't see much point in trying to qualify the name
> > attribute; we should just do a search over all capability attributes.
> fine for searching, but what if you have written a script that wants to access
> only the cutout version of the resource - how to you reference that?
> Dr. Paul Harrison
> JBCA, Manchester University

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