question on Identify

KevinBenson kmb at
Thu May 25 08:50:12 PDT 2006

Yep it needs to be made more clear.

I think what it is actually trying to say is that if you call it via a 
Web Service then the base URL is to the Web Service (before the ?wsdl).  
If you call the  web service which gets its data via HTTP-GET then you 
put the HTTP-GET url as the baseURL.  I guess the idea behind it was 
that if you have a Web Service but "No" HTTP-Get then you need to 
provide the web service endpoint as the baseurl since you don't have an 
http-get to refer to.

As for if the Web Service is optional or required.  It is "optional".  
If your a publishing registry you should support either  Web Service 
and/or HTTP-Get.


(okay logging off for awhile)

Ray Plante wrote:
> Hi Kevin,   
> While responding to the question about getRegistry(), I was looking over 
> the text of section 3.1.5 which discusses the OAI Identify operation.  
> Though I suspect I wrote this text, I have to say I don't understand the 
> 3rd sentence of the first paragraph (regarding oai:baseURL) and the note 
> that follows.  Do you?
> In the OAI spec, the oai:baseURL is supposed to be the base URL for the 
> "traditional" (HTTP GET) OAI interface.  How are we supposed to get the 
> HTTP GET endpoint from the Web Service endpoint?  (Particularly if the Web 
> Service interface is optional?)  
> Barring some explanation, I would suggest the we change this to say that 
> the oai:baseURL to be exactly what the OAI spec requires--i.e. it point to 
> the HTTP GET endpoint.  I can recommend some text.
> Also, I don't see any text that says whether the Web Service version is 
> required or optional.  What was our decision in the end?
> cheers,
> Ray

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