OAI harvesting interface

KevinBenson kmb at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jun 27 02:06:09 PDT 2006

I was going to say forget my "below" question, I understand now it is 
for external clients.


KevinBenson wrote:
> Hello Ray just checking is the reason you want to make the REST style 
> interface required is because of possible external clients (Not ivoa  
> harvester registries) would be able to harvest our Registries?  If 
> that is the reason then yes agreed.
> As far as IVOA Registries the harvester should be able to harvest both 
> REST and SOAP style registries hence the harvesting style to use 
> should be optional.
> I will try to look at your changes to the document later tonight.
> cheers,
> Kevin
> Ray Plante wrote:
>> Hi RI reviewers,
>> Section 3 (Harvesting) needs a little more clarity about what is 
>> required and what is optional in terms of OAI support, and I just 
>> wanted to check my own understanding against other folk's.  My 
>> understanding is that the OAI REST interface--the standard one 
>> defined by the OAI people--is required, and our SOAP-based version is 
>> optional.  Is that your understanding as well? 
>> cheers,
>> Ray

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