OAI harvesting interface

KevinBenson kmb at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Mon Jun 26 06:19:46 PDT 2006

Hello Ray just checking is the reason you want to make the REST style 
interface required is because of possible external clients (Not ivoa  
harvester registries) would be able to harvest our Registries?  If that 
is the reason then yes agreed.

As far as IVOA Registries the harvester should be able to harvest both 
REST and SOAP style registries hence the harvesting style to use should 
be optional.

I will try to look at your changes to the document later tonight.


Ray Plante wrote:
> Hi RI reviewers,
> Section 3 (Harvesting) needs a little more clarity about what is required 
> and what is optional in terms of OAI support, and I just wanted to check 
> my own understanding against other folk's.  My understanding is that the 
> OAI REST interface--the standard one defined by the OAI people--is 
> required, and our SOAP-based version is optional.  Is that your 
> understanding as well?  
> cheers,
> Ray

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