OAI harvesting interface

Aurelien Stebe Aurelien.Stebe at sciops.esa.int
Thu Jun 22 00:38:23 PDT 2006


I was never quite sure of what we decided, but I'd say this is what 
would be best.
Maybe we can make the SOAP interface required too when the OAI actually 
has one.


Ray Plante wrote:
> Hi RI reviewers,
> Section 3 (Harvesting) needs a little more clarity about what is required 
> and what is optional in terms of OAI support, and I just wanted to check 
> my own understanding against other folk's.  My understanding is that the 
> OAI REST interface--the standard one defined by the OAI people--is 
> required, and our SOAP-based version is optional.  Is that your 
> understanding as well?  
> cheers,
> Ray

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