a version for recommended change to GetResource,GetIdentity

Paul Harrison Paul.Harrison at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Jun 20 23:58:26 PDT 2006

On 20.06.2006, at 18:48, Aurelien Stebe wrote:

> To react to Paul's message, I would prefer VOResources to stay  
> inside the WSDL, as this should be the only place it is needed and  
> it makes one less namespace as Ray pointed out. Where do you use  
> VOResources schema to validate documents Paul ? The current set of  
> recommended or "standard" schema extensions is stated in the RI, in  
> section 3.1.3

I use it quite frequently if I want to send someone a single file  
with several related resources in it that will validate. The  
alternative it to send each resource in a separate file or to send  
the multiple resource file with a non-standard schema file that  
declares all the necessary extension schema. It is only a  
convenience, but as far as I can see the advantages of keeping it  
separate outweigh the advantages of combining it into the WSDL.


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