new RI document

Aurelien Stebe Aurelien.Stebe at
Mon Jun 12 09:24:02 PDT 2006

Hi Kevin,

I reviewed the doc and here are a few comments :

- Should we write in the RI that the "Search" and "KeywordSearch" 
methods must return only "active" (and maybe "inactive") resources ? I 
don't think "deleted" resources should be returned in a search, they 
should be when using the harvest interface. Of course, "GetResource" 
would return the resource whatever the status is.

- Two small questions to make the "from" and "to" search parameters 
clearer : are Registries allowed to return less resources than asked ? 
If the user wants "from=1" and "to=1000", may I return only 500 entries 
because that's my Registry limit ? and is the "to" parameter inclusive 
or not (really a detail, but well ...).

- Should we allow for Strings search in KeywordSearch ? I mean allow the 
user to search for "black hole" without having it separated into 2 
words. We could write that expressions enclosed in double quotes must be 
treated as one unique word.

- Two small typos : in the list of metadata to search in 2.3 the last 
one is missing "content" -> "content/type". Also, namespaces prefixes 
should be deleted to be consistent. In 2.4 : "IVOA searchable registries 
can optionally implement the GetResource ....". Isn't it a compulsory 
method ?

- In 2.6 : I don't think the VOSI should be mentioned here since it is 
not a Rec yet. It puts a dependence on the RI for passing to Rec level. 
If a "getRegistration" is needed in the future it might come along with 
the VOSI, or we might add it to the Search interface of RI v1.1  . If it 
is needed now, it should be in the Search interface of the RI v1.0  .

- In 3.1.1 : "ListRecords : [....] ,as well as the resources of the 
Registry type. [....]" . I guess this is from previous versions of the 
RI. The "ListRecords" used with "set=ivo_managed" should return managed 
entries and those only. Also, it should be written that if no "set" is 
specified, ALL records will be returned (or is it obvious ?)

Other than that, I think it is pretty much ready for PR. The Registry 
extension schema will need to be attached, as we decided each 
specification is responsible for providing the schema extension. I 
didn't read the WSDLs, but I guess we will only need to check those 
later, to make sure they reflect the doc.


KevinBenson wrote:
> There is a new RI document (0.8.2) located at IVOA (see links below).  
> There are still a few areas that need to be cleared up, but would like 
> to start getting comments from the group.
> Also note my last e-mail subject "Two questions about xsi:type" would 
> be good to have some replies/comments on that e-mail especially 
> question 2.
> A final note the RI currently says ADQL 1.0, I will check on the 
> version of the ADQL-Core schema to see how it fits into the RI document.
> Thank you in advance for any comments and information about the RI 
> document,
> Kevin
> Word doc - 
> PDF doc - 
> Main RI site -

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