applications software metadata

Gretchen Greene greene at
Tue Jan 31 09:12:20 PST 2006

Thanks for the clarification,  when I read DM group...i relate that to
the never ending process of all possibilities..  (smile).

Anyway...i hope the registry work can pick up the pace.  There is a need
for the RI standard and also some of the new facets of the VOResource,
e.g. validationLevel.  It takes a good bit of effort for each upgrade.  

Applications are really important.  There are so many clients now that
depend on the registry and it seems like these clients are spending LOTS
of programmatic maintenance on figuring out which service type,  what
status of service,  WHICH registry interface support,  what mirrors to
use,  and IF the switches can be included in the schema,  may alleviate
some of the burden.

Anyway...i think the last round of Registry schemas have faired least the code-generators work well (would like to hear about
any JAXB/xjc successes??)

Goodluck and I'll try to provide some feedback along the way...


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-registry at [mailto:owner-registry at] On Behalf
Of Tony Linde
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 4:52 AM
To: registry at
Subject: RE: applications software metadata

I think you misunderstood me, Gretchen. I meant the DM subgroup of the
registry group: the tiger team set up in Kyoto to define a data model
for the registry, in particular that needed to register applications.

We've done sweet fa for about six months! and are only now getting our
butts back in gear :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-registry at [mailto:owner-registry at]
> On Behalf Of Gretchen Greene
> Sent: 26 January 2006 20:23
> To: registry at
> Subject: RE: applications software metadata
> Okay...i have to either laugh or become very cynical about
> this process.
> So to answer my question about having something with the next
> registry resource standard release would be an 
>  Customized schemas are looking better...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-registry at [mailto:owner-registry at]
> On Behalf Of Tony Linde
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:56 PM
> To: registry at
> Subject: RE: applications software metadata
> That's what the DM subgroup is working towards.
> T.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-registry at
> [mailto:owner-registry at] On Behalf
> > Of Gretchen Greene
> > Sent: 26 January 2006 17:26
> > To: registry at
> > Subject: RE: applications software metadata
> > 
> > Can we fit a schema extension for this into the next Registry
> > standards release?  At least a bare bones version?
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-registry at
> [mailto:owner-registry at] On Behalf
> > Of Robert Hanisch
> > Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:22 AM
> > To: registry at
> > Subject: applications software metadata
> > 
> > 
> > Here is the sketch of metadata elements describing
> applications that
> > we discussed at the IVOA Interop at ESAC last fall.
> > 
> > Bob
> > 
> > 
> > 

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