Mistakes in registry

Malapert Jean-Christophe malapert at iap.fr
Thu Feb 2 22:50:40 PST 2006

Dear members of the list,

I work as VO software engineer at Observatory of Paris. For two weeks, I 
have  been developing a service and I need use registry to know 
automatically differents SSA/SIA available.

I have remarked that in the registry there are some mistakes. For 
example, sometimes the "?" is missed when the serviceURL has not ARGS 
and sometimes the "&" is missed too when ARGS are indicated.

Of course, I can check myself if the serviceURL is valid and add the '?' 
or '&' missing in my program. But I consider that if we have a norm 
describing well syntax, it is pitty to not use it and to have spent so 
time to build a norm which is not respected.

I think that if the syntax is not respected it is because people has not 
read the norm before to fill their resource. And we should provide a 
validation service as W3C done with HTML/CSS for web pages.

So, I think it is very easy to check some fields like serviceURL. The 
other ones, I don't know because I miss some documentation. For example, 
I don't know where the different values of ResourceType fields are 
defined ? if it is possible to add others ones or not by a user ? I 
don't know what is the difference between SIAP, SIAP/ARCHIVE and 
SimpleImageAccess ?

What do you think about a validation service ? and someone can answer to 
my questions or simply indicate to me URL of reference document treating 
about my questions ?

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