2-stage identifier resolution

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Fri Apr 21 08:24:57 PDT 2006

On Apr 21, 2006, at 7:23 AM, Gretchen Greene wrote:
> Does this mean each event is registered
> or is there a resource with a collection of events?
> I'm assuming since we've got to the detail of resolving uri's that it 
> is
> the former.

My idea is that the VOEventRepository is registered with each IVOA 
registry.  There are currently four of these planned or operational 
(Exeter, Los Alamos, Tucson, Pasadena).  The VOEventRepository will 
thus need a schema for its description (what types of events, who is in 
charge, etc). I wish I knew how to start making such a schema.  Should 
I somehow "extend" the registry schema, or should I start with a blank 

The VOEventRepository itself will also need to respond to queries (an 
interface). Queries like "Please resolve this event ID", and "Please 
run this Xquery against your event database", and "Please subscribe me 
for Swift events". This interface should be standard across the four 
repositories. I wish I knew how to start making such an interface. 
Should I somehow "extend" the registry interface, or should I start 
with a blank canvas?

California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670
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