new Interface Spec and WSDL for commenting on

KevinBenson kmb at
Wed Mar 16 13:43:52 PST 2005

You will find a new Registry Interface spec and WSDL at:

Changes to doc:
Smaller edit changes given by Robert Hanisch
GetRegistries is now gone as suggested by Aurelien Stebe and references from
myself about this interface.
ListRecords slightly more stated.
Several other small edits
*Probably need to take out section 2.3, will try to do that in a couple of
days it is no longer needed plus any other small edits that people have
comments on.
*Apologies a few track changes came through the document on pdf.

This download has all the schemas and wsdls necessary to generate stubbs
locally if desired.  I ran WSDL2Java with axis1.1 and 1.2 successfully.
Also separated out the schemas and wsdls so they are not all in the same
directory which can get messy with so many schemas.  In general
wsdl/searchableRegistry.wsdl and wsdl/publishingRegistry.wsdl for your
Search and Harvest web service interfaces.
The Wsdl is very similar from the previous wsdl main changes are:
1.) Using ADQL 0.8
2.) Consistent on the Soap actions
3.) Consistent on the namespaces from operation elements.
4.) GetRegistries is now gone from the Harvest.
5.) In general there is faults on Search methods to be consistent with
Harvest interface, but I am not to certain if this is really needed.
6.) Finally small change on RegistryInterface.xsd to allow 0-* Resource
elements for queries that don't return anything.
*Just noticed that the reference on the Search interface I placed in is
'adql:Select', may need to discuss this more it may need another element and
only reference the 'whereType' of adql like the documentation mentions.  We
need to discuss do we want to support Select?  There is also a small benefit
with Select in that apps sometimes can generate adql Select and may prefer
not trying to split it apart and put it with another namespace. Any comments
on this area from app writers or your preference?


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