ListRecords only and get rid of GetRegistries

KevinBenson kmb at
Wed Mar 9 04:48:09 PST 2005

Hello Aurelien.  I will try to have a new wsdl out next week.

What I would like to propose is similar to what you said below and something
I mentioned on a particular wiki page.  I would like to get rid of the
GetRegistries service.  And state that ListRecords returns only XML
Resources that are managed by that registry plus Registry Types. We need to
make it more stated to say ListRecords only returns managed authorities, it
was in the older registry interface spec but not quite as stated boldly in
this one.

Maybe Ray wants to say some words about OAI sets.  This is new to the
Interface Spec, currently I don't know a lot about OAI sets.  At the moment
I don't see the need for OAI sets, because you can get everything you ever
need to do with ListRecords.   And I am not sure if the sets would ever be
used.  Unless we want to have a long discussion of replacing ListRecords
with sets, which at the moment I am more comfortable with ListRecords for
harvesting registries.

As for your question on ADQL, yes we only want to do the basics of ADQL and
only the where part, and don't use regionmatches and others at the moment.

But it keeps getting brought up to support "Select" where a user can select
a particular element.  For instance a particular Table instead of a full
Resource.  This needs to get discussed a little more, I think it could be a
good idea, but changes  things significantly.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-registry at [mailto:owner-registry at]On Behalf Of
Aurelien Stebe
Sent: 09 March 2005 11:26
To: KevinBenson
Cc: Registry List; Christophe Arviset; Pedro Osuna
Subject: Re: new IVOA Registry Interface Spec

Hi everyone,

I'm Aurelien STEBE, working on the registry at ESAC - ESA in Villafranca.
I read the new specs and had some comments/questions about it.

First, I noticed that the reference to the ADQL namespace changed from
the 0.7.4 version to the 0.8 one.
This new version introduces the in(/ex)clusiveSearchType and the
subQuerySet / ConstantListSet.
This last one can be useful for queries on the registry, but do we need
the subQuery one ?
I don't see the use of sub queries on an XML doc and
it would mean the need to support the "select" element among others.

By the way, I guess registries aren't required to support the xMatchType
and regionSearchType.
Maybe it should be specified in the specs.

And second, I believe the "GetRegistries" method should be placed in the
harvesting interface,
since it's certainly used by harvesters only.
In any case, for a registry implementing the OAI sets for resource types,
it is the same as the listRecords using the 'Registry' set.

Finaly, will a new WSDL be released to reflect the changes ?



KevinBenson wrote:

>There is a new Registry Interface Spec at
>  also
>it as a working draft at the document submissions page for IVOA.
>Because the IVOA document submissions page does not let you start off with
>version 0 to make a 0.02, I went ahead and renamed this version 1.02.  If
>this is not proper then we can change it back and instruct me on how the
>version numbers work, but I suspect we should keep it with what is
>submitted/uploaded to IVOA.
>Please have a look at this new document it has much more detail than
>several issues I can see needs to be discussed.  I have began adding a few
>comments at:
>  (but
>this should be moved to the mailing list or another wiki page later.)
>Currently only in doc format tomorrow morning Friday March 3rd, I will
>upload it as a pdf.

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