Feedback on Harvesting - providing metadata to harvest

Elizabeth Auden eca at
Thu Jan 29 04:39:35 PST 2004

Hi Martin,

> We at the ROE were trying to fill in some example metadata for the 6dF archive,
> for harvesting, but are finding it difficult to understand what the fields are
> for.  Is there a document describing each element?  We found this:

The VOResource version 9 file can be found here:, and the other related IVOA schemas
are also on that site.  The identifier is made of the AuthorityID (which
should be unique, but I don't currently know if watertight guidelines for
choosing one - somebody else may be able to better advise) and a
ResourceKey, which is a name that should be unique within your
AuthorityID.  For example, if your AuthorityID is "Astrogrid", then you
can have a ResourceKey with value "MartinHill" or "1XMM_service"
even if another AuthorityID like "ESO" also has a MartinHill or
1XMM_service. That's my understanding, anyway!


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