
Tony Linde ael at
Mon Apr 5 03:53:02 PDT 2004

Can I ask for comments from others re our roadmap - Peter is waiting for us
to publish one. 

You have one proposal from me and a dissenting opinion from Bob (perhaps Bob
could post an alternative).

Please let us know what you think.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Hanisch [mailto:rjhanisch at] 
> Sent: 01 April 2004 04:59
> To: Tony Linde; registry at
> Subject: Re: roadmap
> Tony et al.,
>   I start with this part of Tony's message:
> > > I know that this seems like a long time but the fact is that 
> > > standards which are widely agreed and which have been 
> proved to work 
> > > do take many years to develop.
> Yes and no.  In the astronomy community, FITS is the 
> archetype of doing things slowly and deliberately.  FITS is 
> loved and hated equally (well, maybe not equally!); the 
> slowness means that FITS is not technologically very 
> state-of-the-art.  But it works, and as a community we are 
> extremely well-served by having it.  On the other hand, it 
> has taken us over 10 years to reach agreements on how to 
> express coordinates.  10 years.  And we are not finished yet!
> The VO is young and still volatile.  This is a plus and a 
> minus.  The plus is we should be free to experiment, the 
> minus is that we need to build Something, Now, so that the 
> astronomy community knows what we are up to and buys into 
> what we are doing.
> We need to reach agreements quickly, build to them, and 
> iterate to improve them.  We need to be willing to build and 
> revise, or even in some cases throw away and start again.  We 
> have set up a standards process that recognizes change, and 
> is intended to be responsive to change.  I do not believe we 
> can afford to set 2-3 year schedules for reaching consensus.  
> If it takes this long, the community upon which we will 
> utimately depend for support will see us as purveyors of 
> snake-oil, and will blow us off.
> > > 2004
> > > ====
> > >  1. Publish RM V1.0 to REC status
> > >      31-Mar-2004
> > >
> > >  2. Agree modified Resource Metadata Schema (RMS) draft v0.91
> Whatever the number, this should be ready to promote to V1.0 
> this summer.
> > >      30-May-2004
> > >
> > >  3. Agree modified Registry Harvesting draft (RH) v0.2
> > >      30-May-2004
> Ditto.
> > >
> > >  4. Demonstrate viability of RMS v0.91 and RH v0.2 
> between projects
> > >      1-Jun-2004 to 30-Sep-2004
> ok.  We validate RMS and RH over the summer, and bring them 
> forward to RECs by 1 Sep 04 (bring forward by a month).
> > >
> > >  5. Create draft Registry Interface spec (RI) v0.1 (incl 
> harvesting 
> > > & query)
> > >      30-Nov-2004
> What is this?  A query specification?  We already have 
> harvesting given above.  And we need a query spec in parallel 
> with the above if we are to make use of the registry, 
> otherwise it is a blackhole that we pour info into and have 
> no way of getting it out.  Can't we make use of ADQL?  Why is 
> a registry so fundamentally different than another VO 
> resource?  A registry is all metadata, yes, but the 
> mechanisms for querying it should not need to be any 
> different, should they?
> So I am not sure what to say about the rest, except that the 
> event horizon is way too far away.  We need to push ourselves 
> harder than this, accepting incompleteness and revisions, but 
> developing and demonstrating registry capabilties -- 
> metadata, schema, harvesting, querying -- in ~6 months.
> We have some other very big challenges to deal with, not at 
> all mentioned here.  Curation, revision control,  
> synchronization of distributed registries.  We have an NVO 
> registry with harvested information from a number of 
> publishing registries, and it has 4000 or 5000 entries.  Most 
> entries are next to  useless because the key metadata fields 
> have either not been populated at all, or have been populated 
> blindly with inappropriate information.  In some ways even 
> worse, well-intentioned content providers have assigned 
> resource Titles and Shortnames and Descriptions that make no 
> sense, that conflict with astronomy community understanding/ 
> expectation, and generally defeat the purpose of the 
> registry.  Our best-made plans for metadata elements (RM) and 
> their encoding (RMS) are worthless if we have no way to 
> review, endorse, validate, and update such information.
> Bob
> > >  6. Agree draft RMS v0.92
> > >      30-Nov-2004
> > >
> > > 2005
> > > ====
> > >  7. Demonstrate viability of RMS v0.92 and RI v0.1
> > >      1-Dec-2004 to 31-Mar-2005
> > >
> > >  8. Develop draft RM v1.1 (incorporating schema)
> > >      31-May-2005
> > >
> > >  9. Agree modified RI v0.2
> > >      31-May-2005
> > >
> > > 10. Demonstrate RM v1.1 and RI v0.2
> > >      1-Jun-2005 to 30-Sep-2005
> > >
> > > 11. Publish RM v1.1 to PR/REC
> > >      31-Dec-2005
> > >
> > > 12. Publish RI v1.0 to PR/REC
> > >      31-Dec-2005
> > >
> > > I know that this seems like a long time but the fact is that 
> > > standards which are widely agreed and which have been 
> proved to work 
> > > do take many years to develop.
> > >
> > > The key to keeping this effort moving forwards is that we 
> continue 
> > > to develop working versions of the registry schema and the 
> > > harvesting interface. This will allow us to prove that these 
> > > standards work and to find the problem areas.
> > >
> > > Feel free to publish an alternative timetable if you think we can 
> > > deliver the standards in less time than I've indicated.
> > > And I look forward to other comments as well.
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Tony.
> > >
> > > __
> > > Tony Linde
> > > Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1292    Mobile: +44 (0)7753 603356
> > > Fax:    +44 (0)116 252 3311    Email:  ael at
> > > Post:   Department of Physics & Astronomy,
> > >         University of Leicester
> > >         Leicester, UK   LE1 7RH
> > >
> > > Project Manager,            Director,
> > > AstroGrid                   Leicester e-Science Centre
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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